Toronto - June 5th, 2023. The evening of June 6th, 2021 forever changed our community’s perception of our place in Canada. A violent act that night in London, Ontario forced Canadians to look directly into the face of hate. We continue to unite against systemic Islamophobia and to push for tangible change on all levels.
Toronto, Ontario. The first-ever Halal Ribfest is excited to announce its 20-city tour across North America this summer.
June 6, 2023 will mark the two-year commemoration of the terrorist attack that took the lives of four lives of Our London Family.
London, Ontario June 1, 2023
The [National Council of Canadian Muslims] NCCM welcomes the Government of Ontario’s latest commitment of $500,000 over the next two years towards the City of London’s Anti-Hate Response Pilot project to assist in public education about Islamophobia and hate.
London, Ontario June 1, 2023 The Ontario government is investing $500,000 to support the City of London in implementing new programs to fight hate and racism in their communities. The new funding will help the city launch a print and digital public education campaign, as well as an online library of anti-hate resources, including guides, videos and bystander tips.
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
May 31, 2023
Assalamu alaykum,
As Muslims, our faith tradition is built upon the essential precept of haya’, or modesty, which lies at the core of our beliefs. The Messenger of Allah # indicated such when he stated, “Every religion (deen) has an innate character (khuluq) and the innate character of Islam is modesty (haya)".
On May 23, 2023, imams and religious educators in Canada and the United States issued a statement about sexual and gender ethics in Islam.
CALGARY, AB – The Canadian-Muslim Vote (TCMV), a non-partisan voter mobilization and education charity, published a list of 18 electoral divisions where preliminary results show Muslim voters exceed the margin of victory in 18 electoral divisions, including 12 of the 14 (86%) won by 5% or fewer votes.
May 26, 2023, Toronto. Strong humanitarian partnerships to navigate complex geopolitical realities are crucial in bringing Afghans to safety in Canada. The Government of Canada continues to work with like-minded countries, partners in the region and non-governmental organizations to facilitate the safe movement of Afghans destined for Canada.
Montréal, Québec, May 26, 2023, The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), and a Quebec student are launching a joint challenge to the Quebec government’s Decree 702-2023, which bans prayer in public schools.
CALGARY, AB The Canadian-Muslim Vote (TCMV), a non-partisan voter education and mobilization charity, released a list of 18 Calgary and Edmonton electoral divisions where the number of Muslim voters exceeds the projected margin of victory. These include 13 of the 15 (87%) divisions projected to be won by just 5% or fewer votes, including Calgary-Acadia, which is projected to be pivotal for a 44-seat majority. In the remaining two divisions projected to be won by 5% or less Muslims are within a few hundred votes of the projected margin of victory.
May 24th, 2023, Justice For All Canada condemns the World Food Programme’s second decision to reduce aid and ration cuts for Rohingya refugees in Myanmar and Bangladesh. These shocking funding cuts betray our commitment to upholding life-saving assistance and human rights for vulnerable Rohingya Muslim refugees.
Toronto May 23, 2023. The Ontario government is leading the country with changes to help internationally-trained immigrants work in the fields they’ve studied in. After introducing historic legislation that banned regulated professions from requiring Canadian work experience in more than 30 occupations, Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) are the first association to remove it from their application criteria. This has the potential to help thousands of otherwise-qualified professionals pursue their dreams over the coming years, all while maintaining Ontario’s world-class licensing and exam requirements.
May 23, 2023 Ottawa Becoming a Canadian citizen is a momentous occasion that marks the final step in the immigration journey. Every year, we celebrate Citizenship Week, a chance to celebrate new citizens and all that it means to be Canadian—our diversity, our history and our culture.
The Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) will be hosting its annual fundraiser, the Tulipathon Walkathon, this Sunday, May 28 at Commissioners' Park Dows Lake starting at 2:00 pm.
OTTAWA, May 19, 2023 As the Government of Canada works to resettle at least 40,000 Afghan refugees by the end of 2023, Helmets to Hardhats (H2H) is collaborating with Aman Lara and local building trades unions across Canada to provide recently resettled Afghan nationals with opportunities in the skilled trades.
May 11, 2023 Ottawa: Settlement services are key to setting up newcomers for success in Canada. They provide newcomers with the information and support they need to make informed decisions about their new lives in Canada before and after they arrive, which helps them successfully transition into their communities and find work faster.
OTTAWA, ON, May 11, 2023 The two greatest Canadian male distance runners of all time will be going head-to-head at the Ottawa 10K presented by Otto’s Ottawa. Cam Levins, who was previously announced for the race, will now be joined by Olympic and World Championship medalist Mohammed Ahmed.
SAINTE-JULIE, QC, May 10, 2023 The Group Export Agri-Food Quebec-Canada (Group Export) announced last night the winners of the fifth edition of the Alizés Awards.
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