Form of Sponsorships
Muslim Link proudly supports initiatives of benefits to Canada's Muslim community.
We offer sponsorships in the form of exchange of services. Examples/Types of sponsorships:
- Discounts on Muslim Link / Eye Media Services (www.eyemedia.ca/services).
- Free promotion on Muslim Link website and social media.
- Free promotional articles.
In return, we may ask for the following in exchange, including but not limited to:
- Promotion of Muslim Link on your social media / website / newsletter / email list.
- Free booth at your event.
- Discount on your services.
- Muslim Link logo on your marketing materials.
- Muslim Link advertisement space in your booklet / on your website.
- Muslim Link Trailer / Video shown at your event.

March 21, 2015 - Silver Sponsor
The I.LEAD conference serves as a platform for the UMO-OG Member Organizations to work together on one common project. This conference is for the entire community including children, youth, brothers, sisters and seniors. The aim is to explore everyday issues impacting the lives of our community in ways that are welcoming, non-judgmental, and relevant. Distinguished local, national and international speakers representing our community’s theological, ethnic, cultural, and gender diversity will explore the theme of “In the Footsteps of the Prophet (SAWS) – Path to a Balanced Life” , specifically, balancing our lives at all levels including personal, spiritual, family, community and in Canadian society.

June 14, 2014- Gold Sponsor - Arts Award Scholarship (by EMAAN):
Islam has a rich history in the arts, and the recipient of this award would be passionate about the arts in general and well-versed on the topic of arts as it relates to Islamic history. The recipient of this award would demonstrate how the arts has enriched his/her own life while at the same time, enriched their understanding of the world around them. The recipient of this award would show how they have shared their artistic talents with others through volunteer efforts, art exhibits and the like.

May 10, 2014 - Co-Sponsor
UmmahHub partnered with Muslim Link and the Centre for the Study of Islam at Carleton University to bring the documentary Unmosqued to Ottawa. Over 200 local Muslims attended the screening of the film which explored the alienation of many North American Muslims, in particular youth, women, and converts, from mosques due to issues from discrimination based on gender, age, and race to lack of relevant programming.