Events & Directory Disclaimer
Muslim Link provides an Events Listing and Directory of programs, projects, organizations, and businesses as a public service only. We also share these listings in our social media and on our mailing list for informational purposes only.
Events and Directory Listings are often submitted directly by private individuals and organizations. The views and opinions presented by organisations and individuals at events or on their websites do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Muslim Link and a listing of an event or organization on our websites does not necessarily imply an endorsement by Muslim Link of that event or organization. Readers attending or participating in an event or learning about an organization do so at their own discretion.
We recognize that our Events Listing and Directory represent a broad range of practices and religious interpretations within local Muslim communities and we leave it up to the discretion of our readers to choose events and organizations that best suit their own religious interpretations.
Errors on Listings:
While every effort is made to maintain accuracy, Muslim Link does not guarantee that the information contained in the Events Listings or Directory is always correct or current. If you see any errors there are a few things you can do.
1. If you are the organizer of an event or the business owner or manager of the organization listed in the Directory you can create an account, claim your event or directory listing and make any changes right here online (subject to admin approval).
2. You can also let us know about any errors by clicking the report link available on any directory listing.
3. You can also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us know about any changes that should be made to an event or directory listing.