Over 500 young Canadian Muslims are expected to compete in this year's Muslim Interscholastic Tournament (MIST) between 21st and 24th May at University of Toronto.
MIST is a fun, educational, interactive program of competitions and workshops that brings together high school students from the Golden Horseshoe Area of Ontario.
It is no secret that the city of Ottawa possesses some of the most talented Muslim youth aspiring to bring positive change in the world. Marya Jaleel is one of them.
Marya is preparing to embark on a journey that will change the lives of a significant number of children in a country far away from her hometown of Ottawa. She is one of a number of ambitious young people who will be spending their summer in the heart of India --a rural community outside Udaipur to be precise ”“ building a school and volunteering at an orphanage.
For the last seven months, the students in Mr. Mascoe's grade six class at Charles H. Hulse Public School have been exchanging letters with grade six students at Hillel Academy.
What's the big deal, you ask?
Well there are two things that make this event special: for one, we, the students at Charles H. Hulse are predominantly Muslim and the students at Hillel Academy are almost all Jewish.Secondly, this cultural exchange program has been going on at our school for six years.
For Sisters by Sisters will be holding their second annual Islamic Fashion Show on 12th June, and this time the event will focus on designers who work and sell from home.
The themes for this year are hijab (Islamic head dress), modest dress, and sisterhood. This year, we will not be working with the bigger shops in Ottawa. We are working with Muslimah designers and seamstresses who operate from inside their homes.
A sign on the land of the future site of a mosque in the Barrhaven area was vandalized with racist graffiti on April 30.
The South Nepean Muslim Community in the Ottawa area is planning to build a mosque on the 1.3 hectares of land at 3020 Woodroffe Ave.
A charity is planning to build a mosque in Inuvik so that Muslim children living in this remote region no longer have to travel long distances to get an Islamic education or attend the mosque.
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