Ottawa writer's seerah book for kids a “useful addition”
Written by Lateef HussainiLateef Hussaini reviews Glimpses from the Life of Muhammad Rasul Allah by Anwer Kuraishi
“Lives of great men all remind us; we can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time."
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Indeed, there has never been a greater man on earth than Muhammad bin Abdullah, the Messenger of Allah, the last and final prophet of Islam, may infinite peace and blessings be upon him.
His entire life, nay, even a minor episode from his noble life reminds us that we can make our lives sublime by following his footprints. He was born in the full glare of history. His sayings, known as the hadith, and his actions, known as the sunnah, have been meticulously recorded and preserved for the time immemorial. There is so much written on every aspect of his noble life and from every possible angle, by Muslims and non-Muslims, and yet new volumes of seerah (biography of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him) continue to be published in every corner of the world 1400 years after he passed away.
In Glimpses from the Life of Muhammad Rasul Allah, Ottawa-based writer Anwer Kuraishi has tried to capture a few glimpses from the most eventful life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Rasul Allah (Messenger of Allah), in this small, concise and interesting compilation.
In the first ten chapters of the book, the author takes us from the birth of the Prophet, to his early life, his youth, his marriage, and his role as one of the most distinguished, trustworthy, and highly respected members of Meccan society, and finally to his ordainment as the Prophet of Allah at the age of forty. The life of the Prophet of Allah was by no means a bed of roses. His followers were tortured to the limits and killed; even the noble Prophet himself was persecuted and abused beyond belief. With his life under threat, he was forced to make hijra (migrate to Medina).
The migration to Madina marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar and the final ten chapters of the book speak about the Prophet's life after hijra. The first thing the holy Prophet did in Madina was the construction of a mosque. The pact of Hudaybiyeh, which Allah has mentioned in the holy Quran as a great victory, is discussed and is followed by a description of the Prophet's bloodless liberation and conquest of Mecca, a unique event that remains unsurpassed in the history of the world. The book explains how the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, established the first Islamic state in Medina, how he defended it from the enemies and spread the message of Allah (the Holy Quran) with love and compassion. During his entire life, he had the most profound character and left his indelible imprints on every walk of life; be it diplomacy, warfare, or human relations. He abolished discrimination on the basis of cast, creed, and race, gave equal rights to women and men, and made his mark as greatest reformist the world has ever known.
What distinguishes this book from the plethora of literature available on the subject is that Mr. Kuraishi has written the book for young and impressionable English-speaking minds living in the West and the East. In Glimpses the author not only highlights the various events in the life of our Prophet but brings out the rationale, virtuosity, and the compassion of his noble character and conduct for all of us to emulate. The salient feature of the book is that the author rightly and justifiably paints the picture of our beloved Muhammad Rasul Allah, peace be upon him, as the most generous, kind, and compassionate person; in fact, a perfect man sent down on earth as the personification of “excellent character”.
What distinguishes this book from the plethora of literature available on the subject is that Mr. Kuraishi has written the book for young and impressionable English-speaking minds living in the West and the East.
On the strength of these and other features of the book, I have no hesitation in saying that this book will be a very useful addition in school libraries and it should take a place of pride in every household library.
My compliments and congratulations to Mr. Kuraishi. May Allah reward the author and all those connected with this venture in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.
Lateef Hussaini is the ex-Secretary of the British Muslim Teachers' Association & the ex-Chairman of Watford Interfaith Association based in the United Kingdom.
What distinguishes this book from the plethora of literature available on the subject is that Mr. Kuraishi has written the book for young and impressionable English-speaking minds living in the West and the East.
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