Learn about Woman Abuse and Islam on November 29 in Toronto
Written by Farheen KhanMarking the UN declared Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women join the Women's Mosque of Canada for a frank discussion about Woman Abuse (in all its forms) and how it impacts Muslim Women and how faith plays a role.
The event is taking place on Friday, November 29. (Click here for event details).
Featuring a panel of women leaders who are on the front lines of this work and others who identify as survivors of violence.
Featuring Speakers:
Farheen Khan, Imama, Women's Mosque of Canada
Farheen identifies as a survivor of violence and has worked in the anti-violence and anti-poverty sectors of the last 15 years. She has worked at women’s shelters, sexual assault/rape crisis centres and has worked actively on leading the development of a protocol in Halton to support survivors of sex trafficking during and after exiting the system. Follow Farheen on Twitter. Watch an interview with Farheen about the Women's Mosque by Let the Quran Speak below (It may take a few moments for the video to load from YouTube).
Arezoo Najibzadeh, Co-Founder, Young Women’s Leadership Network
Arezoo is a leading voice for women’s civic and political participation in Canada. As the co-founder and Executive Director of Young Women’s Leadership Network, she works with young women leaders and civic institutions to identify and address barriers to young women’s engagement and success within grassroots and institutional politics. Since 2015, Arezoo has built civic leadership capacity among 800+ young marginalized women and coached 4 millennial women candidates. In 2018, she established ‘It’s Time’, a set of survivor-centric, trauma-informed resources for addressing sexual violence in political institutions which has provided training to more than 100 politicians, political staff, and volunteers on creating consent culture within campaigns and on legislatures. She is regularly consulted by political and civic institutions on issues impacting young women and girls, most recently the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women, The World Forum for Democracy at the Council of Europe, and the Platform Women Convention in Washington, D.C.
Sabha Hazai, Attorney & Advocate
Sabha obtained her undergraduate degree from the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at York University.She is a lawyer in private practice. She provides strategic advice and direction to privately held corporations in commercial and corporate law. She works with community agencies that support families in crisis. She assists them in tackling complex and challenging social issues faced serving the needs of diverse communities. She assists Muslim families facing crisis navigate the legal system and cultural barriers in the areas of family law, criminal law and administrative law. She is also a national board member of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW).
Assia Maameri, Teacher & Advocate
Assia holds a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Ottawa and bachelor’s degree in business from the School of Commerce Algiers and a master’s degree in economics with the University of Algiers. She is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in psychology at the Laurentian University and working towards her PhD in Economics at the University of Algiers. Assia has more than 18 years of experience as a teacher, teaching at various levels of learning from elementary schools to Universities. Assia's teaching has also included adult education where she had the opportunity to teach government officials and corporate CEOs. Assia currently works for the French School Board in Toronto. Over the years, Assia has been active and has held positions in a number of community organizations including the Vice Chair of the Federation of Muslim Women (FMW). When she is not working Assia is enjoying outside activities such as walking and hiking. She also loves to spend time with family and friends.
Why come out?
Come out and learn why Surah Nisaa (The Women) Verse 34 [4:34] in the Quran has been misinterpreted & misunderstood.
Come learn about the Sublime Quran and its alternative translation to the same verse. There is no justification for abuse in our faith. Come see for yourself!