Ottawa – Rampant Islamophobia is costing Canadian Muslims their peace of mind, their physical well-being and even their lives, the Senate Committee on Human Rights said in a report released Thursday, November 2, 2023.
The violence in Israel and Palestine has reached brutal and devastating levels in recent weeks. Thousands have been killed and injured. Witnessing the extreme violence against civilians has been polarizing for many around the world.
October 18, 2023
Asalamu alaikum / Peace be upon you
Today, we find ourselves in unprecedented territory.
LONDON, ON, Sept. 29, 2023 Canadians expect to live in a society where the criminal justice system is fair and impartial and supports the needs of victims. The Government of Canada is committed to protecting every Canadian's rights and improving access to justice for Canadians.
On June 6, 2021, a Muslim family was taken from this earth by the accused London Terror attacker, who struck them with his vehicle.
As Ramadan ended, I told you that we had to be ready to take on another government in court.
BRAMPTON, ON, July 25, 2023
Today, in the Ontario Superior Court, Mohammed Omar was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty last week to three criminal offences that also constitute terrorist activity for an attack in a Mississauga Mosque.
BRAMPTON, ON, July 19, 2023 Today, in the Ontario Superior Court, Mohammed Omar pleaded guilty to the following three criminal offences that also constitute terrorist activity:
July 19th, 2023 Brampton, Ontario — Today, National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) representatives and lawyers attended a Brampton courthouse for the guilty plea of Mohammad Moiz Omar, an individual who identified as an atheist with a deep and violent hatred for Muslims.
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