Islamic Family Social Services Association (IFSSA) Refugee Sponsorship in Edmonton Application Now Open (February 26 2024)
Written by IslamicFamilyIslamicFamily’s 2024 Applications to become a Refugee Sponsor are now open.
We look forward to supporting our community to bring their loved ones to Edmonton.
IslamicFamily is a federally-approved Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) able to help families with strong connections to the Edmonton community privately sponsor refugees. IslamicFamily provides support to private co-sponsors throughout the application process. Since 2015, IslamicFamily has supported the sponsorship of more than 400 refugees through partnerships with the Mennonite Central Committee and the Catholic Archdiocese.
IslamicFamily uses a refugee sponsorship management platform, called Embark. It allows us to streamline the sponsorship process and make it easier to navigate. To check your eligibility, do a walkthrough of Embark, and start the process of applying to sponsor a refugee, please visit www.islamicfamily.ca/sponsorship.
Deadline to apply is February 26th 2024 at 11:59 PM.
If you have any questions about the process, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Or tune in to our virtual town hall session on Monday, January 22nd 2024 at 7 PM on YouTube
Or attend our in-person town hall session on Saturday, January 27th 2024 at 12 PM in the IslamicFamily Hüb located at 10545 - 108 Street NW in Edmonton.
Important: Please note that this application is open to individuals currently in Edmonton who wish to sponsor refugees from abroad. IslamicFamily is not able to accept applications directly from asylum seekers or from sponsors outside of the Edmonton region.