New Zealand Mosque Attack: Vigils, Fundraising, and Other Ways to Take Action Across Canada
Written by Chelby DaigleDevastatingly, the violence that we experienced in Quebec City has now spread to Christchurch, New Zealand.
The events have been condemned by world leaders and those here in Canada.
What can you do to take action at this time?
Attend a Vigil or Community Gathering
Tonight we have confirmed that there will be vigils held in both Toronto and Ottawa. If we learn of other cities, we will add them, just email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Ottawa Vigil, March 15, at 6:00 pm, organized by Shahad Khalladi and individual community members, click here for details.
Ottawa Prayer Vigil, March 15, at 8:00 pm, organized by Sanad Collective, click here for details.
Toronto Vigil, March 15 at 6:30 pm, organized by TorontoMuslims.com, the Muslim Youth Fellowship, the Urban Alliance on Race Relations, click here for details.
Calgary Vigil, March 15 at 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm, organized by Saima Jamal and individual community members, click here for details.
Vancouver Gathering, March 15 at 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, organized by the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies, click here for details.
Mississauga Gathering and Prayer, March 16 at 1pm to 2pm, organized by DawaNet and the Muslim Council of Peel, click here for details.
Kitchener Prayer and Open House, March 16 from 7:00 pm to 9:15 pm, organized Kitchener Masjid, click here for details.
Montreal Vigil, March 17 at 2pm, organized by Citizens Rights Movement and Muslim Awareness Week, click here for details.
Montreal Support Circle, March 18 at 2:00 pm, organized by the Muslim Students Association of Concordia University, click here for details.
Montreal Vigil, March 18 at 4:00 pm, organized by the Muslim Students' Association of McGill University and other student groups, click here for details.
Kingston Vigil, March 18 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm, organized by the Islamic Society of Kingston, the Kingston Jewish Council, and the Kingston Interfaith Community, click here for details.
Hamilton Vigil, March 18 at 6:00 pm, organized by the Muslim Association of Hamilton and the Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton, click here for details.
London Vigil, March 18 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, organized by the Muslim Students Association of the University of Western Ontario and Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East Western Chapter, click here for details.
Winnipeg Vigil, March 18 from 11:30 am to 12:00 pm, organized by the Muslim Students Association of the University of Manitoba and other faith-based and cultural students associations, click here for details.
Edmonton Solidarity Gathering and Press Conference, March 18 at 12:00 pm, organized by the Alberta Muslim Public Affairs Council (AMPAC), click here for details.
Vancouver, March 18 at 5:30 PM, organized by the Thaqalayn Muslim Students Association of the University of British Columbia, the Muslim Students Association of the University of British Columbia, and other student groups, click here for details.
Edmonton Prayer, March 19 at 6:00 pm, organized by the Green Room/Islamic Family and Social Services Association, click here for details.
Brampton Vigil, March 21 at 6:00 pm, click here for details.
Markham Vigil, March 23 at 12:30 pm, organized by the Islamic Centre of Markham/Masjid Darul Imam, click here for details.
Laval Commemorative Gathering, March 23 at 2:00 pm, organized by Canadian Muslim Forum, Conseil des Imams Québec Canada, Justice Femmes, click here for details.
Hamilton Discussion, March 23 at 7:00 pm, organized by Jabl Youth, click here for details.
Ajax Vigil, March 24 at 3:00 pm, organized by Friends Indeed Canada, click here for details.
Edmonton Vigil, March 24 at 7:00 pm, organized by individual Muslims, click here for details.
Contribute to the Crowdfunding Campaign for Victims
A LaunchGood Crowdfunding campaign organized by New Zealand Muslim community organizations to support the families of the victims, those lost and injured.
To learn more about the campaign and to contribute, click here.
Reach out for Support
If you need support, please reach out.
If you are in the Toronto area, Khalil Center Canada will be organizing a support group for those who need it after this tragedy on March 17th, click here for details.
The Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline is ready for calls related to this tragedy, click here for details.
To review AltMuslimah's list of strategies on coping with Islamophobia, click here.
Check out the Rivers of Hope Toolkit online here, although it focuses on the type of Islamophobic violence Muslim women often face, a lot of the info can help both men and women.
The Muslim Wellness Foundation has a great page on Coping with Community Trauma, click here.
The Family and Youth Institute has a helpful tool kit on grief.
If you are grappling with how to talk to your children about the attack, you may find this advice from the American Psychological Association useful, click here.
Support More Security for Places of Worship in Canada
Sadly, in Canada we already know that our places of worship are targets for hate. There is a need to support community efforts to increase security in these places of worship.
Check out the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) Community Safety Guide online here.
Apply for the Federal government's Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Program (SIP), for details click here.
It is also important to ensure that there are enough funds available through SIP, so it is important to advocate for our communities to Public Safety Canada.
The following is the statement from the Prime Minister of New Zealand which she says she "can only be described as a terrorist attack". 49 people have died in this attack at the time of this writing.
The following are messages from Canadian officials regarding the New Zealand Mosque Attack:
Message from Ottawa Police Chief Charles Bordeleau
Community Leaders/Colleagues/Friends;
We wanted to connect with you following the terrible tragedy in Christchurch, New Zealand.
These types of events affect us all and we understand that they have a profound impact on many in our diverse communities. The members of the Ottawa Police Service are committed to your safety and security and we have increased our vigilance and presence at local religious institutions.
The Ottawa Police Service has long standing relationships with our various faith and community groups and leaders. It is with this relationship in mind that we encourage you to share this information as widely as possible with members of your respective communities. Ensuring public safety can only be done with the support of the communities we serve.
We have no intelligence to suggest that any group in Ottawa is allied with the suspects in New Zealand, but the possibility of a copycat lone actor is always a concern. Police presence alone has been shown to have a definitive effect on discouraging lone actor attackers.
If at any time, you or a member of your community feels that there is a life-threatening emergency or crime in progress, you are strongly encouraged to call 9-1-1.
For all other non-emergency crimes, or for general inquiries, you are encouraged to call 613-236-1222 or contact Crime Stoppers Ottawa at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to working together.
Charles Bordeleau, Ottawa Chief of Police
Message from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
Attacking people during prayers is absolutely appalling, and Canada strongly condemns today’s shootings in New Zealand. Our thoughts and hearts go out to the victims and their families, and we join New Zealanders and Muslim communities around the world in grieving.
Message from MP Andrew Scheer, Leader of Canada’s Conservatives and the Official Opposition
“As Canadians are learning the horrific details of last night’s terror attack at two New Zealand mosques, I wish to express both my deep sadness at the tragic loss of innocent life and my profound condemnation of this cowardly and hateful attack on the Muslim community.
“Houses of worship, like the two mosques attacked last night, should be places where all people can meet freely and without fear. We stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters to ensure that they remain this way. We must condemn, in the strongest terms possible, the type of extreme and vile hatred that motivated this despicable act of evil.
“On behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada we grieve with you the loss of 49 innocent lives – fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, children – each one a victim of hate.
“To the injured, and to the families and friends of all who were lost, we wish you strength on this dark day. To the Muslim community around the world and here at home in Canada, we stand with you and reaffirm our commitment to building a world where every people, of every faith, can live in freedom and peace together.”
Message from MP Jagmeet Singh, Leader of Canada's New Democratic Party
I have the heart broken by the massacres that took place in two mosques in New Zealand.
My thoughts are with the families of the victims and all the people affected by this terrorist act. Islamophobia kills and should not exist anywhere in the world.
Message from Ontario Premier Doug Ford
I strongly condemn the horrifying attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. I join people across Ontario and Canada and stand with all legislators at Queen’s Park in condemning this hatred and violence towards our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Message from Ontario New Democratic Party Leader Andrea Horwath
“Everyone has the right to practice their faith and worship in peace, without fear. For Muslim worshippers in Christchurch, that peace was destroyed by cowards armed with guns, explosive devices and hatred. In the wake of this vile act of Islamophobic terrorism, our hearts are in New Zealand with the victims, their families and their communities.
It is the job of all of us as individuals, communities and elected officials to take a stand against the rising tide of Islamophobia and hate. We need to work together – people of all faiths and cultural backgrounds – to name Islamophobia when we see it, name hate crimes and acts of terrorism when they happen, and to live and work for peace.
As Muslims in Ontario and around the world process this unspeakable horror and grieve these losses, we stand with them, offer our support and renew our commitment to join them in the fight to eradicate Islamophobia and xenophobia from our communities and our world.”
Message from Toronto Mayor John Tory
I am deeply saddened by the terror attack in New Zealand & stand with our Muslim community to condemn this hate-fuelled violence.
On behalf of all Torontonians, we send condolences to the families & friends of those killed in Christchurch & those injured in this heinous attack.
Message from Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie
Mississauga is lowering all flags and dimming our clock tower red and blue tonight to honour the 49 lives lost and those injured in this senseless tragedy. Diversity is our strength - it is not a threat. We must always seek to fill our hearts with love, not hate.
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