Send Your Concerns About Muslim Students' Experiences at Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) Schools to the Muslim Leaders Working Group
Written by Ottawa Muslim Leaders Working GroupAssalamualaikum Dear Parents and Beloved Youth,
We know parents and youth are very concerned about what is taking place in Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) schools.
There is still time to complete the form below to help express what your experiences and concerns are.
Here is the link to complete the form: https://forms.gle/YMkLPsukpqGiHX3w7
Please fill out this form if you are a parent of a student attending an OCDSB school and are concerned about your child:
- Being taught age-inappropriate material
- Having their religious freedoms infringed upon
- Being targeted by staff or students for being Muslim
If such an incident has occurred, please share the details.
The data collected in this form will be used to inform steps to be taken by the Muslim Leaders Working Group, which is liaising with the OCDSB to address community concerns.
The group members are: Dr. Aisha Sherazi, Br. Jalil Marhnouj, Imam Sikander Hashmi and Imam Zijad Delic.
[Muslim Leaders Working Group has] three areas of focus:
1. To engage with the OCDSB in a way that helps advocate for our families. We have connected with them and they are responsive Alhamdulilah.
2. To help support parents by providing workshops and templates for them to know what to say and how to express themselves in a way that doesn’t undermine their position.
3. To have workshops for children to help them understand how they can navigate the world and live in it without feeling they must compromise their deen.
We understand that some people have attended protests, while some plan to attend further protests.
It is, of course, the right of each individual to participate in peaceful demonstrations.
Please be aware that people who attend can often become the face of our community in the public.
Therefore, we strongly recommend the following:
- Please ensure you practice good character at all times, as shown in the Prophetic sunnah.
- DO NOT disrespect any flags or symbols that hold importance for others. This includes burning, destroying or standing on such symbols. Not only is doing so Islamically prohibited, it is also counter-productive.
- There should be no hate, bigotry or threats against others, regardless of differences and disagreements.
We ask Allah SWT to grant us patience at this time, and the wisdom to deal with all challenges.
Muslim Leaders Working Group
Imam Zijad Delic
Imam Sikander Hashmi
Brother Jalil Marhnouj
Sister Aisha Sherazi