Statement from Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer in Response to Maxime Bernier's Comments About Jinnah Park in Winnipeg
Written by Staff WriterConservative Member of Parliament Maxime Bernier has recently stirred up controversy on Twitter by stating that the naming of a park in Winnipeg after one of Pakistan's founding leaders, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was an example of "extreme Liberal multiculuralism."
Today, Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer issued the following response:
Regina, SK (August 15, 2018) – Today, Andrew Scheer, the Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, released the following statement:
“Maxime Bernier holds no official role in caucus and does not speak for the Conservative Party of Canada on any issue.
“Personally, I disagree with politicians on the left and the right when they use identity politics to divide Canadians. I will not engage in this type of politics.
“Conservatives celebrate Canada's diversity and a Conservative government will continue to welcome those from all over the world who choose to come here because of the society we have built.
“At different times, waves of immigrants from all over the world have added to our history and our culture and embraced the fundamental principles that Canada was founded on, including peace, equality, tolerance, freedom and democracy. We must all work to ensure that Canada continues to be a place where people from all over the world can come to find a richer, freer more peaceful life.”