Welcoming Ottawa Week 2019: Organize Events to Connect Newcomers with Long-Term Ottawa Residents
Written by Ottawa Local Immigrant Partnership OLIPThe Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership (OLIP) cordially invites you to contribute an event to the 2019 Welcoming Ottawa Week (WOW).
WOW is an annual series of dialogues, cultural and celebratory events, sports activities, documentary screenings, and other fun events, designed to convey the genuine welcome and hospitality of Ottawa residents to newcomers, while providing opportunities for quality interactions between newcomers and long-time residents.
WOW events are required to include immigrants and refugees, discuss topics related to newcomer settlement and integration, or celebration of diversity. The events should also take place during the WOW 2019 time-frame (June 17th – 30th), and be any of the following categories:
Educational Activities: seminars and workshops, film / documentary screenings, book launches, stories on settlement and integration experiences, public education campaigns, including social media campaigns, and school debates on topics related to immigration, multiculturalism, pluralism, equity and diversity, guided walking tours.
Community Engagement: public forums, dialogues, town halls, workplace discussions, neighbourhood celebrations of diversity, youth engagement activities.
Arts, Culture & Entertainment: arts/photo exhibits, dance/fashion shows or poetry/music events showcasing artistic and intellectual contributions of immigrants and refugees and reflecting on the human experience of migration.
Formal Events: leadership meetings, events by embassies or local diplomatic corps, galas that bring attention to or raise funds for newcomer settlement and integration.
Sport Activities: sports events with immigrant populations or workshops on sports favoured by many newcomers in Ottawa such as soccer, cricket,Tai Chi, yoga, etc.
Host an event that showcases your involvement with immigrants and refugees, celebrates newcomers’ contributions or creates new bonds among neighbours.
Do not delay; register your WOW2019 event online.
Deadline for registration is May 17, 2019 at 5pm.
Distribute the WOW Call for Events Flyer to partners or individuals who you think may be interested in hosting a WOW event.
Follow-us on social media to stay informed on #WOW2019 developments: Facebook:OttawaLIP, Twitter: @OLIP_PLIO
If you have questions or ideas, please contact Nyamulola Kambanji at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..