We Remember January 29: Stand Up Against Islamophobia, Hate and Violence in Canada and Join the Green Square Campaign
Written by National Council of Canadian MuslimsThe victims of Jan 29th, 2017 attack on the Quebec City mosque perished as they stood to pray.
They are survived by those who are trying to build a future without hate.
Over the next three weeks, we here at National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) will launch our annual Green Square Campaign.
This year will mark the fifth anniversary of that tragic night which changed our country - and the first National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia.
We want all Canadians to remember the victims and survivors of January 29th, as well as the Quebec City Mosque community that lives each day with hope for a brighter future. In the memory of the victims and survivors, let's commit to taking action against hate and set the foundation for change to promote a more inclusive and equitable Canada for all.
The green square represents the carpet of the Quebec City Mosque where the victims last stood to pray.
This year, we invite you to participate in any and all of the following events and activities.
1. Make a green square and wear it on your jacket from January 25-29. Buy a piece of green felt from your local craft store, Cut a 2″ by 2″ square, Attach it to your clothes using a small safety pin
2. Share your story! Make a video or post a message and tell us why the Green Square campaign is important to you and what action you want to see to make Canada a safer place for all Canadians. Use the hashtags #GreenSquareCampaign #WeRememberJan29
3. Monument Lighting: Get your local monuments, city halls, or landmarks lit green on January 29th. Full list of those that are being lit green online here
4. Organize a Vigil: Organize a vigil or virtual event and let us know by sending us a message on our socials, or sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
5. Friday Khutba: Organize a special jummah prayer at your mosque to pray for the victims, their families and for the safety and well being of Canadians of all backgrounds. Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/IslamophobiaKhutbah
6. Facebook Profile Picture: Add a temporary frame around your Facebook profile picture using this link: https://m.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?selected_overlay_id=179120407293799
7. Green Letters Campaign: (more to come soon)
8. Download a virtual Green Square Zoom/Google Meet/Microsoft Teams background online here.
Resources for Educators are available on on the Green Square Campaign website here.
Teachers are encouraged to attend one of NCCM's Islamophobia Disrupted Webinars on January 20th or January 25th.