The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) Asks Premier Ford to Condemn Mr. McVety's Bigoted Views
Written by National Council of Canadian Muslims(Toronto – November 23, 2020)
The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) is asking today that the Ford government make the choice to condemn the extreme and hateful invective of Charles McVety and reverse the decision to make Canada Christian College into an accredited university.
In 2010 Christian broadcaster Christian Television Service removed McVety’s show, Word TV, after Canada’s broadcast industry watchdog ruled that various statements by McVety violated its broadcast codes.
A complainant to Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) identified fourteen programs between July 19, 2009 and February 21, 2010 that disparagingly treated topics around Muslims and other minority groups. McVety also has reportedly stated, "Islam is not just a religion, it’s a political and cultural system as well and we know that Christians and Jews and Hindus don’t have the same mandate for a hostile takeover."
"We ascribe to a simple principle. Ontario's Christians, Muslims, Jews, those of other faiths, and those who ascribe to no faith tradition make Ontario a beautiful place to live in together," said Mustafa Farooq, CEO of NCCM. "We therefore ask that Mr. Ford endorse the motion to condemn Mr. McVety's views - which appear to stand against that principle - today".
NCCM believes that a motion for a Canada for all is in line with past recent precedent in Queen's Park, as last year a unanimous consent motion brought forward by Ontario's NDP was passed by the Ford government in condemnation of Quebec's Bill 21, which NCCM is currently fighting in court. Bill 21 made it illegal in Quebec for someone wearing a hijab, turban, or kippah to become a teacher, prosecutor, or a police officer, amongst other public sector jobs.