MONTRÉAL, March 23, 2023
VIA Rail Canada (VIA Rail) and the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) met on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, and engaged in a constructive dialogue following the regrettable and saddening incident involving a man who was praying in VIA Rail's Ottawa Station.
Ottawa, ON, March 15, 2023
Justice For All Canada welcomes March 15th, 2023, as the UN's first International Day to Combat Islamophobia. Dedicating an annual global observance to anti-Muslim racism and discrimination is critical to addressing alarming levels of bigotry levelled at Muslims, with devastating impacts on their communities worldwide.
March 13, 2023 – A new study from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute finds unfavourable views of Islam prevalent across the country at varying levels and highest in Quebec.
Mar 13, 2023 – Toronto
As salamu alaikum / Peace be Upon You
Many of us remember those early days of the pandemic, locked in our homes and facing a level of uncertainty we hadn’t experienced before.
It was Ramadan and the mosques were closed. Many longed for that connection again, to experience the sacred together.
Today, as many of us go to our masajid for jummah to find solace and connection with the divine, I think about the sanctity of these spaces as one of the cornerstones of our communities. They are uniquely ours, and they are worth protecting, for our communities and for future generations.
There has been an uproar recently among politicians who have called for the resignation of Amira Elghawaby, Canada’s first special representative on combating Islamophobia.
January 31st, 2023
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