In an effort to prevent racial profiling, the Ottawa police have begun a controversial two-year project that records the race of drivers during traffic stops.
The Traffic Stop Race Data Collection Project is designed to find out how much race influences the decisions of police officers. As of June 27, officers are required to mark down the perceived racial identity of motorists who are stopped.
Under the terms of the project, drivers will not be asked to identify their race, and the ethnicity of passengers will not be recorded.
The project is the result of a settlement in the case of Chad Aiken, a young black man who was stopped in May 2005 while driving his mother's Mercedes and who recorded an officer being abusive.
Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Ottawa Police Services Board agreed that police would begin to track race datain an effort to ensure bias-free policing services.
To learn more about the project visit: http://ottawapolice.ca/en/community/diversitymatters/racialprofiling.aspx
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