Hope and Prayer in the 6ix Helps Tackle Poverty and Homelessness in Toronto
Written by Muslim Association of CanadaThe Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) is working with the City of Toronto and United Way of Greater Toronto to organize a Friday prayer at Nathan Phillips Square.
Thousands of Canadian Muslims from congregations from MAC’s two downtown mosques (Masjid Toronto Dundas and Masjid Toronto Adelaide) will join to pray together in support of an anti-poverty fundraiser.
MAC will raise funds for United Way towards alleviating poverty and offering hope and strength in the City of Toronto.
As summer comes to an end and school begins, there are many across our communities—often right in our backyard— in the GTA and beyond who are facing hardships. Whether it is an inadequate shelter, homelessness, unemployment, newcomer and settlement challenges, or struggles in mental health or disabilities – there are various challenges that thousands of Torontonians face each day. They suffer the crippling consequences of unfulfilled basic needs.
We invite you to help bring hope in alleviating these issues in our city. MAC Give is partnering with the City of Toronto to raise funds to support anti-poverty initiatives across the city.
Canadian Muslim leaders and other community allies will gather together to offer Hope & Prayer in the 6ix.
This is an open community event where local leaders and community members of diverse faith backgrounds join together to tackle the #unignorable problem of poverty in Toronto.
MAC Give is a program designed to instill in the Canadian Muslim community a sense of responsibility towards Canada and to establish Muslims as an integral and important part of all philanthropic activities taking place in Canada. MAC Give utilizes a principle-based approach for community-building by engaging in volunteer and community work on a regular basis.
Special Remarks at Hope and Prayer in the 6ix from:
- John Tory, Mayor for the City of Toronto
- Daniele Zanotti, President and CEO of United Way Greater Toronto
- Sharaf Sharafeldin, Executive Director of Muslim Association of Canada
Event Details: Nathan Phillips Square | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Public Event
To learn more about the event, visit macnet.ca, follow on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. To stay up-to-date, use and follow hashtags #MACNUnitedWay #HopeandPrayerin6ix #MACGivesHope
Ways you can help us bring Hope:
- Join us to create awareness and show support on Friday, September, 20th 2019
- Donate to the campaign and help alleviate poverty and homelessness in the region
- Invite a friend – everyone is invited!
About The Muslim Association of Canada
The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) is a charitable, faith-based, nonprofit devoted to educational and social work. It is a nonpartisan organization focusing on community service and volunteer engagement. These are the primary tenets MAC champions at the local level to produce well-rounded community members entering public life who are accountable and recognized in their communities.