Even before the spirit of Eid hit everyone, the BISA (Bell Islamic Student Association) crew was busy planning one of their biggest events of the year: the annual Eid dinner.
On October 18, following the celebrations of Eid-Ul-Fitar, guests were treated to poetry, a fun photo booth, and excellent food. This year's event included speakers Qussai Abu-Naqoos and Osama Berrada, and was hosted by Othman Tmoulik.
Moved by the unending stories of death and destruction in Syria, a group of local high school students were inspired to take action. On June 5th, the Bell Islamic Students Association (BISA) organized a well-attended fundraiser to raise money to support Syrian refugees.
“After seeing the horrifying scenes on TV, the mass murder of innocents, the cruelty of the rapes and destruction, as a young activist, it moved me deep down to help the innocents of Syria in any way,” says Nour El-Nader, former Head Girl of the Bell Islamic Students Association (BISA). “That was my motive that kept me going until the dinner reached its success by funding $500.”
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