Islamophobia Has Been on the Rise and Hate Stats Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Written by Muslim Council of PeelWith the 91% increase in reported hate crimes against Muslims, the Muslim Council of Peel reacts to the Peel Regional Police hate crimes report with no surprise.
Far right extremism brought hate motivated crimes of unimaginable magnitude to Canada in 2017. The top of the list was the massacre of people praying at a mosque in Quebec and the depth of the hate filled motive behind the terrorist attack is just now unravelling in court.
“It is difficult for Muslims and those who are perceived as Muslim to come forward. They often feel that there is no point because they see their concerns not being recognized and perpetrators not charged. Most hate crimes continue to go unreported. We have a lot of work to do to help victims realize that it is important to report and that it is safe for them to report,” states Rabia Khedr, Executive Director. “There is need for greater public and community education to be conducted hand in hand with police services.”
The Council encourages people to report both hate crimes and hate/bias incidents that are not criminal in nature, because it is important to document all such actions motivated by hate, bias or prejudice. Reporting consistently by the public will help ensure that the statistics start to reflect the reality of what is happening across the communities targeted by Islamophobia. The Muslim Council of Peel acknowledges the victimization of their Sikh brethren and sisters as well as other persons who get mistaken for being Muslims. “That is the true nature of hate and bias, based in xenophobia and ignorance” says Rabia Khedr. “There is an ongoing need for continued awareness and training for police and public on identifying hate crimes and hate/bias incidents in addition to the impact of such actions at large”
Contact: Rabia Khedr Mobile: 647-760-9541 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.