MP Frank Baylis tables historic petition on Islamophobia while MP Iqra Khalid’s motion asks Parliament to take action on systemic racism and religious discrimination.
MP Iqra Khalid and MP Frank Baylis hosted a reception yesterday at the Sir John A McDonald Building to celebrate the contributions of Canadian Muslims and to stand against discrimination in all its forms. The event was attended by Members from different parties including the Hon. Melanie Joly, Minister of Heritage, who spoke about the strength of Canadian diversity.
Earlier in the day, MP Baylis tabled petition e-411, which reinforces the fact that extremist individuals do not represent all Muslims and condemns the discrimination Canadian Muslims face in light of current events. The petition garnered 69,742 signatures, a historic first for e-petitions.
Social Justice is a cause dear to Mr. Baylis, who believes that it is fundamental for Canadians to maintain an inclusive society. “Combatting prejudice is very close to my heart. In the history of our nation, newcomers have at times been subject to discrimination. Eventually, each of these groups becomes a respected and integral part of the Canadian story. That is all the more reason for everyone to stand up to discrimination in whatever form it takes today.”
Late last week, MP Iqra Khalid tabled Motion M-103 in the House of Commons in response to e-411 and the increase of racist and discriminatory incidents against cultural communities in Canada. The motion calls upon the House to “condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination” and requests “that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage undertake a study on how the government could develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia, in Canada.”
“I am extremely proud to put forward Motion M-103, to continue our government’s leadership on diversity issues and state on the record that there is no place for racism and religious discrimination in Canada. I am looking forward to working with all sides of the House to ensure this motion passes so we can do the work of confronting racism wherever it lies” stated Iqra Khalid, Member of Parliament for Mississauga – Erin Mills
Other speakers included Conservative senator Salma Ataullahjan, NDP MP Rachel Blaney and Green Party leader Elizabeth May. In addition, many elected officials from all parties were in attendance.
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