Ontario Provincial Election on February 27, 2025 Voter Information and Party Promises Comparison Tool
Written by The Canadian Muslim VoteWith the Ontario provincial election scheduled for February 27, 2025, it is crucial for our community to stay informed and engaged in the democratic process.
At The Canadian-Muslim Vote (TCMV), we are committed to ensuring that every eligible voter in our community has the information and resources needed to participate in this election.
Who Can Vote?
You are eligible to vote if you:
Are a resident of Ontario
Are 18 years of age or older on Election Day
Are a Canadian citizen
Key Election Dates & Deadlines
Register to Vote – Visit RegisterToVoteON.ca to confirm, update, or add yourself to the register. Deadline: February 17, 2025 (to receive a voter information card by mail).
Find Your Electoral District – Enter your postal code in Elections Ontario’s Voter Information Service to confirm your riding and polling station.
Vote by Mail – Apply online at elections.on.ca by February 21, 2025, at 6 PM (ET).
Once your application is processed, you will receive a voting kit. Your completed ballot must be received by Elections Ontario by 6 PM (ET) on Election Day, February 27.
Election Day Voting – Polls will be open on February 27, 2025.
Additional details on advanced voting options will be available on Elections Ontario’s website.
Why Your Vote Matters
At The Canadian Muslim Vote (TCMV), we believe that civic engagement is key to making our voices heard. Our vote shapes policies that impact our daily lives—from healthcare and education to employment and community development. We want to ensure that the needs and concerns of the Muslim community in Ontario are represented.
Let’s work together to increase voter turnout and make a difference!
The Canadian Muslim Vote (TCMV) has created a tool to compare the Platforms of the major Provincial Political Parties (Choose TWO Candidates To Compare Their Promises). To use the tool online, click here