Somali Hope Academy Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing access to education to underprivileged children in Somalia. Our Vision We envision a world in which all Somali children can pursue a quality education that enables them to reach their full potential and contribute to their community and the world.
Our Mission • Identify and overcome barriers to education
• Build schools and facilities for a successful learning environment.
• Reach out to poor and destitute children in Somalia and offer free education.
• Reduce the illiteracy rate in Somalia, and assist children in breaking the cycle of poverty.
• Deliver high quality 21st century educational models to achieve high standards.
• Help Children Develop a Passion for Learning.
• Support sustainability through a community led approach
Somali Hope Academy Foundation is a registered Canadian charity (No. 84819 1060 RR0001). A Canadian charitable tax receipt will be issued on donations of $20 or more.