Canadian federal election is coming and the time to increase our actions for justice in Palestine is now. We must continue to mobilize our communities and make our voices heard.
This online mass briefing is for individuals already in PSN riding groups and those curious about getting involved in organizing in their neighbourhoods. We will share effective strategies that social movement groups have successfully implemented in elections in the past. The hope is to empower more people to effectively continue to win on demands set collectively by Palestinian-led organizations.
Why Elections Matter: The Conservatives are polling ahead in the elections - and their majority could lead to unconditional support for Israel’s actions. The ceasfire has been announced but we need to act: Israel may break its promises; the rebuilding of Gaza will require ongoing international support and solidarity; and those responsible for Israeli war crimes must face justice. We must say and mean, inspired by our Jewish comrades: Never Again. We must continue to hold Canadian politicians accountable. Elections also spark heightened political debate, providing an opportunity for pro-Palestine activists to raise the profile about our issues, even for those of us who may not prioritize voting.
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