Community Action for Muslim Youth Integration (CAMYI) is a government funded project that aims to help the integration process for Muslim youths around Canada.
Vision: Canadian Muslim and Islamic establishments are able to address cross-cutting issues related to Canadian Muslim youth.
Mission: To convene Islamic and Muslim interventionists across Canada to build knowledge, capacity, and strategies to tackle youth-related issues.
Context: Muslim communities, especially youth, across Canada are witnessing daily challenges related to their beliefs and identity. This has naturally raised many questions on the interplay between religion, identity, home, community, and society. Understanding the source of this tension and addressing it are key to furthering the development of our community interventionists. In this respect, five partners and various community stakeholders, with financial contribution from Public Safety Canada, have launched the Community Action for Muslim Youth Integration initiative. This initiative seeks to, namely, build our capacity to address these problems, and focus on prevention while also empowering our communities to take action on these matters