The Syrian Association in Ottawa (SAO) is an academic, socio-cultural organization. It is a non-profit, non-religious association that seeks: to promote the Syrian culture and history, to enjoy some of Syria’s most noted literature and music, to learn about Syria’s architecture and the most popular touristic attractions all over the country, to be able to celebrate Syria’s Independence Day and many other important dates in Syrian history, and to meet new people, Syrians and non-Syrians, who share the same love and interest for Syria. The Syrian Association in Ottawa (SAO) aims to promote the Syrian culture and heritage in the university and the community. The SAO’s motivation is based on the following objectives: to create an atmosphere of solidarity, and mutual aid between members of the Syrian community with no discrimination; to encourage multi-cultural activities on and off-campus; to raise awareness about the on-going battle for democracy in Syria through fundraisers, protests and other cultural events. Requirements and eligibility to join the SAO: Any person from the Canadian community interested in participating in the club’s activities and learn about the Syrian culture; Any person who agrees to keep an open-mind, an open-heart; Non-Syrians are more than welcome to join.
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