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Statement from the Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia on the Third Anniversary of the London Family Attack

Statement from the Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia on the Third Anniversary of the London Family Attack

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OTTAWA, ON, June 6, 2024 Today marks the third anniversary of the Islamophobic terrorist attack on the Afzaal family, often referred to as 'Our London Family'.

This heinous act of hate claimed the lives of four family members and left a young boy orphaned. The attack was a painful reminder of the danger Islamophobia poses to Canadians. Over the past seven years, Canada has had the highest number of deadly Islamophobic attacks of any G7 country.

As we remember the lives lost, we reflect on the devastating impact of hate-fueled violence on Muslim communities in Canada. In a statement to Canadians, family members share the hope that we will collectively confront Islamophobia in our midst:


"On June 6, 2021, our lives were plunged to a depth that we could not have imagined. The enduring solidarity, love, and faith expressed by our fellow Canadians and our community has brought us back. June 6 serves as a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness. In a world marred by pain and open hatred, it is imperative that we cultivate empathy and compassion. We must not be complacent about our shared Canadian ideals of justice and respect; rather, we must actively strive to defeat injustice to serve every member of our society."

In recent months, Canadian Muslims have reported a disturbing rise in Islamophobia, anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab racism. This likely does not represent the full picture, as the majority of Canadians who believe they were victims of hate do not go to police, and the current data does not yet reflect the targeting of victims who hold multiple identities (i.e.. Black and Muslim).

Islamophobia remains a clear and present threat to the safety and well-being of Muslims in Canada and undermines the values of diversity, inclusion and mutual respect that form the foundation of our society. In memory of 'Our London Family,' let us reaffirm our commitment to combatting Islamophobia in all its forms and help foster a society where people are treated with dignity and respect, no matter who they are or what faith they practice.

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Amira Elghawaby

Amira Elghawaby is Muslim Link’s Editorial Advisor. She is providing professional guidance and training to the Muslim Link team and writers. Amira is also developing relevant newspaper and website policies and a style guide. Amira obtained a degree in Journalism and Law from Carleton University in 2001. Since then, she has worked as both a full-time and freelance journalist and editor, writing and producing stories for a variety of media including the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, CBC-Radio, Rabble and the Middle East Times. She is the History Editor for New Canadian Media. Find her on Twitter @AmiraElghawaby.