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Join the Mass Hunger Strike Day for Gaza on January 18

Join the Mass Hunger Strike Day for Gaza on January 18

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Amidst the harrowing attacks on the Palestinian people, people in Canada are engaging in a bold act of solidarity to force our government to end its complicity in genocide. People in Canada from coast to coast have joined a rotating hunger strike for Gaza.

In merely 21 days, there have been 140 hunger strikes in Canada. While bombs are being dropped on Gaza and children are dying of starvation, every single day, people in Canada will continue hunger striking until the Canadian government enforces an arms embargo on Israel.

As the number of Palestinians being killed and dismembered by Canadian-made weapons and weapons components increases rapidly, so does the number of people in Canada putting their bodies on the line in protest. The momentum for this national hunger strike is growing faster than we could have ever imagined, and it is time to go to the media.


Please help us to reach our goal of having 100 people in Canada on hunger strike on our day of action. January 18 is the MASS HUNGER STRIKE DAY FOR GAZA.

Participants can join us by signing up here and selecting the date January 18 (and more if they choose!). They can also read our hunger strike instructions here.

Gaza Starving’s Hunger Strike Campaign is endorsed by Independent Jewish Voices (IJV) CanadaCanadian Voice of Women for PeaceWorld BEYOND WarLabour 4 Palestine, the Jews Say No to Genocide Coalition [including but not limited to: IfNotNow Toronto, United Jewish Peoples Order (UJPO), and Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Toronto], and the Mennonite Church of Canada's Palestine and Israel Network.

For more information, including why people in Canada are hunger striking for an arms embargo on Israel, visit our website at or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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