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Jews From Across Canada to March on Parliament Hill to Call for an End of the Genocide of the Palestinian People

Jews From Across Canada to March on Parliament Hill to Call for an End of the Genocide of the Palestinian People

Written by  Independent Jewish Voices
Published in News

Canadian ‘Jews Say No to Genocide’ Coalition to Join Largest Rally for Palestine in Canadian History

November 24, 2023 - Members of ‘Jews Say No to Genocide,’ a newly formed coalition of Jewish Pro-Palestinian organizations from across Canada - along with other Jewish Canadians - will descend on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill to demand the Canadian government immediately call for a permanent ceasefire, halt all military aid and arms sales to Israel, and demand an end to the occupation.

The continued escalation we are witnessing of the Israeli state-sanctioned brutality, human rights violations and crimes against humanity across Gaza and the West Bank - must end now.


The November 25 march comes amid a 48 day long genocidal assault on Gaza: during which the zionist state of Israel has murdered over 14,000 Palestinians (nearly 6,000 children), injured tens of thousands, displaced over 1 million, with many more trapped under the rubble. It also comes amid a historic upsurge of protests, rallies, and direct actions in Canadian cities (and globally) in solidarity with Palestine. Despite this unprecedented outcry by the Canadian people (with over 71% supporting a ceasefire), Canadian officials have ignored calls for an end to Canadian complicitly in Israel’s genocide.

As Jews, we know that criticism of the state of Israel is not antisemitic. We reject false claims of antisemitism meant to silence those standing up for Palestine and we know that none of us will be free until all of us are free.

We will not stand idly by and allow for business as usual while the Israeli military continues to mercilessly bomb refugee camps, hospitals, schools, churches and apartment buildings in Gaza, killing thousands, and while millions of Palestinians are being forced from their homes without access to water, food, medicine, electricity, and fuel…all in the shroud of darkness under constant communication blockades.

Canadian Jews add their voices to this global chorus calling for justice for the Palestinian people. As Jews, we cannot and will not stand idly by as the State of Israel - with the full support of the Canadian government - continues to commit atrocities day-in, day-out that go against the very core of our faith. The 75-year occupation, the bombings, the unlawful killings, the forced displacement, the abusive detentions, the blockade of the Gaza Strip, the development and proliferation of settlements, and the systematic discrimination against the Palestinian people are not just violations of international law, but also a betrayal of our shared humanity. When we said ‘Never Again’ after the Holocaust, we meant ‘Never Again for Anyone’.

WHEN: Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 1:00pm

WHERE: Parliament Hill


Jews Say No to Genocide is a coalition of Independent Jewish Voices, United Jewish Peoples Order, IfNotNow Toronto, World Beyond War, Jewish Members of Showing Up for Racial Justice Toronto, and other members of the Jewish community in Canada.

Read 1078 times Last modified on Fri, 24 Nov 2023 22:27
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