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Mayor Jim Watson introduced Ottawa’s new poets laureate, Andrée Lacelle (French) and Jamaal Jackson Rogers (English), with VERSe Ottawa president Yves Turbide. Mayor Jim Watson introduced Ottawa’s new poets laureate, Andrée Lacelle (French) and Jamaal Jackson Rogers (English), with VERSe Ottawa president Yves Turbide. Mia Younès

Jamaal Jackson Rogers named Ottawa's Poet Laureate

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Jamaal Jackson Rogers was named Ottawa's English-language Poet Laureate by Mayor Jim Watson in March. Rogers, a spoken word artist, arts educator, residential counsellor for adults with disabilities, and creative director of Origin Arts and Community Centre, will be the city's first poet laureate in over 25 years.

According to the Ottawa Citizen, "VERSe Ottawa and the city partnered to resurrect the poet laureate program this year. The last time the city had a poet laureate was in 1990, but it was a unilingual program. Now, the poet laureate program will feature a French-language poet and an English-language poet. The program budget is $25,000 annually and each poet will receive a $5,000 honorarium. The rest of the money will support programs and events to promote poetry, as suggested by the poets laureate. VERSe Ottawa keeps a roster of more than 200 local poets on file. Two special committees selected Lacelle and Rogers to be poets laureate for a two-year term."

To learn more about Jamaal Jackson Rogers read Muslim Link's interview with him here.



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Read 8613 times Last modified on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 04:02
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Chelby Daigle

Chelby Marie Daigle is Muslim Link’s Editor in Chief and Coordinator. Under her direction, Muslim Link adopted its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy so that the website strives to reflect the complexity of Muslim communities in Canada. She knows that she fails to do justice to this complexity every day but she will continue to try to improve as she recognizes the frustration of being both marginalized in the mainstream and also marginalized in Muslim communities. As Coordinator, she works to build relationships with Muslim and mainstream organizations and manages the website's social media, event listings, and directories. She organizes regular Muslim Link gatherings. She also works closely with the Publisher to find ways to keep Muslim Link sustainable. Find her on Twitter @ChelbyDaigle