Somali Canadian author Fartumo Kusow has spent much of 2018 traveling across Canada, the United States, with stops in the UK and Somalia, speaking about her first English-language novel "A Tale of a Boon's Wife", published by Second Story Press.
Somali American Ilhan Omar just became the first veiled Muslim woman to be elected to the US Congress. What about the experiences of other veiled Muslim women who have run poltical campaigns in Canada?
The Somali Education Fund (SEF) is organizing a career fair for racialized students this Saturday, October 27th at the Jim Durrell Centre in Ottawa, Ontario. Students will have the opportunity to meet racialized university students and young professionals as well as learn about how to navigate apply for college and university.
Muslim Link interviewed the team behind this career fair, the second organized by SEF who hope to make this an annual event.
Black Muslim Women in Quebec (Femmes Noires Musulmanes au Québec) is a new initiative that was launched on Saturday, October 20 in Montreal at Espace Mushagalusa. The initiative is funded by the Inspirit Foundation and supported by DESTA Black Youth Network.
Their next event is taking place on February 9th in Montreal.
Muslim Link interviewed Oumalker Idil Kalif about why this new organization is needed during the current climate for Muslims in Quebec.
On September 25, The Federal Minister of Health announced $10 Million in funding for community initiatives addressing mental health and its determinants in diverse Black communities across Canada. The new Promoting Health Equity: Mental Health of Black Canadians Fund will support Black Canadians to develop more culturally focused knowledge, capacity and programs to improve mental health in their communities
This October, cities in British Columbia, Ontario, and Manitoba are holding elections for the positions of mayor, city councillors, and school board trustees.
Toronto-based Somali Canadian comedian Hoodo Hersi was recently featured on The Comedy Network's Homegrown Comics. She is also the subject of a recent documentary by TVO called "Stand Up Toronto."
Muslim Link is starting a series of profiles about ethno-cultural Muslim community associations across Canada. We feel this is a great way to help our community become more informed about our diversity and complexity.
Here we interview Yoruba Nigerian Canadian Suliya Mazou about her involvement in the Nigerian Canadian Muslim Association in Toronto.
Toronto-based Somali Canadian youth activist Habon Ali was appointed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Youth Advisory Council in June.
Muslim Link interviewed Habon about her activism and what challenges facing youth in Canada that she hopes to raise with the Prime Minister.
LUMINOUS A Black Muslim Arts Festival will be taking place on Saturday, June 16th. An Arts Festival mixed with an Eid Festival, the event aims to celebration Toronto's Black Muslim presence.
Muslim Link interviewed the visionary behind LUMINOUS, Timaj Garad, about her hopes for the festival.